In keeping with our commitment to 21st Century Learning and ICT (Information Communication Technology) skills development the school has invested in a range of new multimedia technologies and hardware to support these goals. These skills, concepts and competences will be embedded in the Units of Inquiry to enhance learning and presentation opportunities. Hand in hand with these practical skills will be an appropriate Digital Literacy and Citizenship curriculum to explicitly teach the students about Internet safety, security and the issues related to the use of Social Media Technologies. Parents are actively encouraged to enter into a learning environment with their kids. Currently there are class computers in every room. These computers are Macs and Chromebooks and offer excellent graphic editing and video-making options for the students.
Technologically-equipped Classrooms
With our large range of laptops, high-performance tablets we are ensuring our students have the necessary ICT literacy to tackle the modern challenges and excel in future careers.
Further to this development the school has Mobile Laptop carts that can be booked out daily to enhance research, presentation and digital literacy skills. The laptops serve the students in three languages, English, German and Japanese. With careful and thoughtful implementation of laptops to enhance the development of transdisciplinary skills of research.
- Personalized learning environment for every student
- Improve writing and research skills
- Levels the playing field for all students
- Access to information and communication
- Improve school-home connection
- Increase communication between students and teachers
- Potential for authentic project-based learning opportunities
- Increase student engagement
- Foster communication, collaboration and creativity skills
- Increase productivity
- Become self-directed learners
- Become part of a network of learners
- Create opportunities for global outreach
- Focus on student-centered learning